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Services for Aspiring Individuals

IDEAS = Implement, Develop, Evaluate, Achieve, Success

We offer a wide range of consultancy, personal development, career progression and personal coaching services to a variety of clientele. Whether you're a PA looking to break into management, a school or college leaver looking for your first professional role, or may be you're simply looking to improve upon your own interview techniques because nerves and anxiety always overshadow your personality and skills - we can help. 

Given our founder's own experience of being catapulted into a prestigious global firm at age 17, we can bring key insight, knowledge and extensive 'life hacks' in a realistic, friendly yet effective way - our goal is to grow your self confidence, unlock your potential and help you control your own success whilst pushing forward with your career development.

Performance reviews or interviews don't need to be daunting - view them instead as an opportunity to shine and showcase yourself. After all, the biggest asset you have is YOU. 


"Invest in as much of yourself as you can; you are by far your own biggest asset" - Warren Buffett

Curriculum Vitae

C.V & Cover Letter Services

These are two of the most important documents in your career so it's vital you get them right. You could be the best candidate for the job but if your cover letter and CV are not eye catching enough and let you down, then you've potentially lost out on an amazing opportunity. The formatting, layout, grammar and wording accuracy of these two documents are absolutely crucial. Let us help you get them right. Standard CV templates online are not advantageous - every person is unique with their own skill set and character, why sell yourself short by using a generic 'one size fits all' template that doesn't showcase YOU? We can help create your CV and cover letter from scratch, or we can review and simply enhance what you already have in place. Sometimes small changes can be big game changers. The trick here is to remember these are your documents and must sell you, not only as an individual but you as an asset to a potential employer. These are the first steps in your career journey - make them count!

Interview Techniques & Preparation

It's safe to say that many people dislike interviews for one reason or another: talking about yourself, being put on the spot, feeling nervous - it's not a great mix. If you dread those awkward "why should we choose you over the other applicant?" type questions that make your mind go blank causing you to stumble over words and fall apart, rest assured you are not alone. Selling yourself well whilst thinking on your feet and answering difficult questions is not always easy. But good news - it can be easy. We have all the answers, and can guide you through the process of doing a great interview. All you need is some objective coaching, pre-empt the likely questions and prepare your answers well. More importantly though, you need to believe in yourself. We can help you manage those pre-interview nerves with some excellent coping strategies, and turn those horrible questions into something positive which showcases you and your potential. Given our background in all things HR related, this is an area we excel in and adore - we'll go through the "dos and don'ts" step by step with you and teach you some crucial techniques that will transition with you through an entire career. We are here to help you build up your self confidence and turn job interviews into something much more positive.

Job Interview
Business Meeting

Self Presentation & Social Skills Coaching

Walking into an interview room, meeting and greeting VIP clients, or presenting in a boardroom full of people - regardless of your age, all of these things can be really daunting and cause extreme nerves. So what makes a good handshake? How should I address people? What should I wear to give off the right impression? How do I initiate conversation with people I don't know? Granted, these may seem like really basic questions and you could be thinking "isn't all that common sense?". But sadly knowledge around these areas is rather lacking in modern society, research has indicated that "millennials" are (in the majority) lacking in simple life and workplace skills. As technology develops and the younger generations have largely depended on virtual screen interaction (through no fault of their own), the basic social skills around small talk, self presentation, problem solving and critical thinking are diminishing rapidly. We are passionate about restoring some of these life skills and sharing our experience and knowledge in all things self-presentation related ranging from that first interview right to the executive boardroom. We have devised very simple strategies that will make you feel comfortable, know how to work the room and stand out from the crowd (in a good way) so all focus will be on you for the right reasons.

Career Progression Coaching

Sometimes you may feel that you've reached the threshold of your career, leaving you feeling mentally unchallenged and possibly a bit stagnant. You could adore your job and team, but just sense you need more (whatever 'more' may be?) Progression within the workplace is dependent on numerous things - your employer, the business scope, possibly budgets. But mainly it's dependent on you and your ambition. Working your way up through the business hierarchy brings new challenges of its own but it can be hugely rewarding if you apply the right strategies. We can provide simple yet effective coaching on the right approach, how to create an effective personal strategy for use at work, and advise on the best mechanism for tapping into your unharnessed potential. We have extensive insight and knowledge in this particular area which can be applied across all roles where employees are looking to progress not only themselves personally, but also professionally in their chosen career path. 

Rush Hour

Becoming a Professional - Coping Effectively

We get asked a lot about the transition from leaving your education days behind and moving forwards into formal employment. It is a huge change both mentally and emotionally: going to college one day with no real pressures, and the next you could be working in a prestigious office wearing an alien feeling suit with responsibilities on your shoulders (add in a possible rush hour commute too which impacts on you physically). People wonder how they will cope with the pressure, or worry about fitting everything in once they're committed to a full working day. It is imperative you communicate these feelings - and remember it is normal to fear the unknown sometimes. We are here to help you adapt and embrace the changes, and utilise the various opportunities that this huge life moment brings. Contact us if you would like to know more or book in a call.

For Individuals: Services
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